Pienza, Montalcino & Montepulciano

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This tour features finest hill towns southern Tuscany beginning with perfect little Renaissance village Pienza originally named Corsignano—it served as Pope Pius II's hometown where in he
envisioned transforming it into ideal Utopian town showcasing Renaissance architecture rivaling
Florence itself! He commissioned architect Rossellino constructing cathedral/Piazza/other major
buildings; unfortunately Pius passed shortly thereafter leaving great city unfulfilled yet possessing
beautiful Renaissance heart delightful visit nonetheless! Surrounding area renowned producing
Pecorino cheese reflected numerous shops offering tastings/buying opportunities available here
too!Not far away lies Montalcino famed producing Brunello wine alongside imposing fortress—a
lovely town perfect strolling around tasting legendary wines available there too!Final stop today
brings us Montepulciano—the highest amongst these hill towns standing tall at 665 meters
showcasing stunning vistas whichever direction viewed plus beautiful squares designed architect
Antonio da Sangallo back in 1511 boasting city walls constructed during this period too—all while
being home delicious ‘Vino Nobile’ wines!
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