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Have you ever imagined how people used to live in Ancient Rome? This tour is the one for you! Herculaneum was named after the Greek God of Hercules and was thought to be founded in the 7th century BC. Like nearby Pompeii, the town of Herculaneum sits under the shadow of Mount Vesuvius and was buried beneath a thick layer of ash and mud during the volcano’s eruption in 79AD. Herculaneum however, is much smaller than Pompeii, enabling visitors to tour the archaeological site in just a few hours, rather than a whole day. Herculaneum is also one of the best preserved ancient Roman sites in the world, arguably even better than Pompeii. Here we will see old two-story domus homes almost completely intact, still filled with wooden furniture, decorations and marble. Even the organic remains of food were found here, giving us a greater insight into the way of life of the people who lived here. As well as the homes, you will explore the ancient baths, complete with lockers where people left their clothes, just like today. It’s quite an amazing sight to see.

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