A different Naples: Coral factory, Capodimonte Museum and Sant’Elmo

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Wherever you go in this region, you will seejewellery made from coral and cameos. You will get
the chance to see howskilled artisans fashion these beautiful articles, using methods unchanged
forcenturies. From here, a visit to the Capodimonte museum, one of the finestmuseums in the
south of Italy, with paintings by Caravaggio, Titian, Raphaeland Correggio to name but a few.
Better still, the museum is housed in a formerroyal palace, so you will also get to see the
sumptuously furnished former royalapartments. From here, up to the very top of the Vomero hill
to the CastelSant’Elmo, for the very finest views of Naples. This fourteenth centuryfortress once
housed prisoners but is now home to libraries and archives, aswell as hosting changing exhibitions.
Nearby is the Certosa di San Martino, areligious building which now houses a museum, featuring
an unparalleledcollection of Neapolitan nativity scenes.
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