Bologna Highlights

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After exploring Italy’s iconic cities, there’s no better place to begin your discovery of the country's hidden gems than Bologna. Known by many names, including "La Rossa" (the red) for the color of its buildings and political history, and "La Grassa" (the fat) for its reputation as the food capital of Italy, Bologna offers a wealth of experiences. Home to the oldest university in Europe, predating the Sorbonne in Paris and Oxford in England, Bologna thrives with youthful energy and academic vibrancy. In the Middle Ages, noble families vied to build the tallest towers, many of which still stand today, including one with a noticeable lean—a reminder that Pisa is not the only city with
this feature. 

Piazza Maggiore, the heart of Bologna for over 2,500 years, is flanked by the Basilica of San Petronio, one of Italy’s finest examples of Gothic architecture. Opposite stands the Palace of the Podestà, which served as the seat of government in the Middle Ages.

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