Located in the town of St. Moritz, Golf Club Engadina offers a picturesque parkland course that perfectly integrates with the surrounding natural beauty of the Engadine valley. The course is flanked by tall, mature trees that frame the fairways and provide an extraordinary aspect to this test,whichisanotherwiththesplendidbackdropoftheSwissAlps.Thecoursedatesbackto1836, making it the oldest in Switzerland, although the original layout has been subsequently modified. The Samedan Course championship fairways have been played for more than 125 years, while the morerecent18-holeZuoz-Madulaincircuitwasaddedin2003.Alinks-styleparklandcourse,water hazardswillbearegularfeaturethroughouttheroundplayedatanaltitudeofapproximately1,700 meters.