Scenic Rapallo, Chiavari and Sestri Levante

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At the turn of thetwentieth century, Rapallo was a sleepy little backwater, but its beautiful bayensured that it would soon be discovered by the early twentieth centuryliterary set; D.H Lawrence, Hemingway et al. It’s not difficult to see why, acharming marina, a sixteenth century castle and a maze of narrow cobbledstreets have ensured a steady flow of visitors ever since. Your driver willthen take you on panoramic drive to Chiavari, with its charming 13thcentury arches, home to a series of artisan shops selling a variety of wares,including lace, chairs, fashion and jewellery. A short drive from here willbring you to Sestri Levante, once a sleepy little fishing village, nowincreasingly popular with holidaying Italians. The whole of this coast isnotable for its ruggedness, with cliffs and bays covered with pine and olivetrees. Sestri Levante has two bays, the Bay of Silence and the Bay of Fablesboth backed by pretty little colour-washed fisherman’s cottages. There are twonotable churches worth a visit, the church of San Nicolo perched on thepromontory and the 17th century Santa Maria di Nazareth. Snack onthe delicious local focaccia before returning to your hotel.
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