Perugia and Assisi

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Today’s itinerary covers two of Umbria’s most captivating towns: Perugia and Assisi. Originally an Etruscan city, Perugia’s charm is rooted in its medieval heritage, offering a delightful blend of narrow streets, impressive squares, and stunning churches. The surrounding countryside is equally picturesque, and you will visit local farms to enjoy tastings of the region’s exquisite produce.
The journey continues to Assisi, renowned as the birthplace of St. Francis and home to Italy’s most visited pilgrimage site after Rome. The highlight will undoubtedly be the Basilica di San Francesco, a masterpiece of medieval architecture started in 1228, shortly after St. Francis’s death. Divided into upper and lower sections, the Basilica marks a turning point in Western art, transitioning from Byzantine stylization to a more humanistic narrative. The breathtaking frescoes by Giotto and Cimabue are true marvels. Fully restored after the 1997 earthquake, the Basilica has since regained
its original splendor.
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