Marco Simone Golf Country Club

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Marco Simone Golf has been chosen as the venue for the 2023 Ryder Cup, as well as the appetizer
for the 2022 Italian Open, and this already says a lot about the quality of the course.
Exceptional location: in a corner of the Roman countryside around the thousand-year-old tower of
the Castle of Marco Simone, with a view of St. Peter's Dome and a few km from the center of
The par 72 golf course has been completely renovated to host the Ryder, the Italian Open and
other important tournaments: thanks to the different starting tees provided, 4 for men and 3 for
women, the course can be played from the most suitable length, making the Marco Simone
experience special and stimulating for players of all levels. The course winds through very large
spaces, giving a real sense of freedom to the players.
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