Whychoosethesecond-largestcityonLakeGeneva?Simple.Builtonthreehills,Lausannegains charm with its postcard-perfect backdrop of the Savoy Alps. With an almost entirely pedestrianized old town and a Gothic cathedral considered one of Switzerland’s most magnificent, this city honors its pastwhile looking tothe future with curiosity. Art is abundant, from the marginal (Art Brut) preserved in Beaulieu Castle to photographic works at the Musée de l’Elysée. The hipster vibe reaches the Flon district, where the culinary and nightlife scenes thrive in old warehouses. In winter, Lausanne captures attention with the Lumière Festival (usually from mid-November to late December), featuring illuminated sculptures and projections.TheatmosphereissomagicalthateventheInternationalOlympicCommitteechose it as its official headquarters!