In search of the Etruscans

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This tour has been especially designed for anyone with an interest in ancient civilizations. The Etruscans pre-dated the Romans, and when you look at the art, jewelry, and pottery that they produced, you will see how much the Romans absorbed their culture. They were the original inhabitants of Tuscany and the area north of Rome and, indeed, provided three of Rome’s early kings. The Circus Maximus, dating from 600 BC, was built by an Etruscan, Tarquinio Prisco.

The visit will start with the Banditaccia Necropolis, the biggest Etruscan cemetery in the area, covering a site of over 300 acres. Much like the ancient Egyptians, the Etruscans set much store by the afterlife and therefore decorated their tombs to mimic their homes, and these are incredibly well-preserved.

Next, onto Caere, originally an Etruscan settlement, nowadays a medieval fortress, for lunch (not included) in an exceedingly good local restaurant.

In the afternoon, you will visit the excellent Etruscan Museum in Cerveteri, where you will see the more precious items excavated from the local tombs: exquisite jewelry, pottery, and sculptures. By the end of the day, you will be in no doubt as to what an advanced civilization this was.

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