Genoa, the ancient Maritime Republic

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Italy’s longcoastline almost inevitably made it one of the foremost maritime nations in theMiddle Ages but this was way before unification and four great and rival‘Maritime Republics’ emerged, Genoa, Venice, Pisa and Amalfi. Apart from itshuge natural harbour, Genoa built its fortunes on ship building and banking andit is still one of the most important ports in Italy today. Your tour willstart with a visit to the Aquarium, one of the largest in Europe, its seventytanks housing sea creatures from all over the world, as well as recreations oftheir natural habitats. After lunch, (not included), you will have a guidedwalk through the heart of the old city, with its fine cathedral and PalazzoDucale (exterior only), home to the Doges from the 14th-16thcenturies, who ruled Genoa in a system similar to that of Venice. The walk willtake you to Genoa’s prettiest small square, the Piazza San Matteo, the PortaSoprana, the Carlo Fenice theatre and will end at the Piazza de Ferrari, withits statue of Garibaldi.
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